朝起きた時に、”さあ今日はどんな1日にしようかな” 毎日そんなふうに思えたら最高な人生ですね。
I celebrated my 54th birthday just a few days ago, and if I live to 81, the average male life expectancy after this, I will have 27 years left. Or, if we look at age 81 as 100%, 66% of the capacity has already been used, leaving us with 44% remaining.
However, this is only a calculation, and when it comes to the actual experience, the older you get, the faster time seems to flow, so the time left is not that long.
The reason why time seems to move faster as we get older is because as we gain more experience in life, we have fewer new experiences, and when we start repeating the same experiences, whether they are experiences from five years ago or experiences from now, the time seems to pass faster, according to the theory This is the reason why we feel the passage of time is faster when we repeat the same experience.
So, in order to make the time we have left feel as long as possible, it is important to experience something new instead of repeating the same thing every day.
I myself have tried many new things since I launched this blog two and a half years ago, and I certainly feel that time has passed densely in the past two and a half years, and it feels longer than the five or ten years before that.
I have plans to try a few new things in the future, but I thought I would make a list of things I want to do before I die anyway, and try even more new things.
When I wake up in the morning, I think, “Now, what kind of day shall I make today?”
It would be a great life if I could think like that every day.