今日は、Mel Robbinsさんのポッドキャスト番組で、ゲストのAlua Arthurさんとの対談が面白かったので紹介してみます。
Aluaさんは、弁護士として仕事のキャリアを始めますが、不治の病に侵された兄の介護をしたことがきっかけとなり、弁護士のキャリアを捨て、end of life planner (終活をサポートする人)、death dura(死の助産師)となったそうです。
番組の冒頭では、”自分自身の死を考えることがあなたの人生を満たし、今この瞬間を輝かせる鍵となり得る”と言われたらあなたはどう思いますか” とリスナーに問います。
私はそれを聞いて、Steve Jobs氏の有名な言葉を思い出しました。
Today, I’d like to introduce an interesting conversation with guest Alua Arthur on Mel Robbins’ podcast show
Alua started her professional career as a lawyer, but after caring for her incurable brother, she gave up her legal career to become an end of life planner and death doula.
In this program, we hear from Alua, who has helped many people cope with death and has seen many deaths as a sender.
We don’t often think about death on a daily basis, except when we are faced with the death of a relative or someone close to us.
Even more so, when it comes to our own death, we even think as if life is infinite.
As for myself, when I lost my father almost 5 years ago, I realized that I did not know how much time I had left, so I decided to do only what I liked and wanted to do, and from there I spent about 4 years preparing to FIRE. But even then, I did not think about my death specifically.
At the beginning of the program, listeners are asked what they would think if they were told,
“Thinking about your own death could be the key to filling your life and making this moment shine.”
It reminded me of Steve Jobs’ famous quote, “Every morning I look in the mirror.
“I make it a routine to look at myself in the mirror every morning and ask myself if today was the last day of my life, is what I plan to do today really what I want to do?”
In Mr. Jobs’ case, I think he meant that if a number of days go by that it is not what he wants to do in response to that question, he will rethink his life and goals.
In another book I read a long time ago, a book by Haruki Murakami, I think it was, I still remember the line of the main character who said that death is the opposite of life, that they are like two sides of the same coin, and that when you feel close to death, life shines through.
So, I think that thinking about one’s own death is the same as thinking seriously about life.
Also, in the program, Alua recommended that every year on your birthday, you should think about your own death (how you want to die, who will see you off, what kind of person you want people to say you were, etc.).
Yes, today I felt that if we could make death feel less sad and more like a joyous new birth, our lives would be more fulfilling.