




最近のOECDの調査によると、日本の公立中学の教員の労働時間は週平均60時間くらいと諸外国と比べるとダントツで長いのに対して、肝心の授業にかける時間(準備を含む)は、諸外国平均よりも低いという結果が出ていることを知りました。 文部科学省のホームページには、教員の労働時間軽減のための施策が紹介されていますが、具体的な成果や改善は見られていますでしょうか? 特に授業以外の労働(例えば、部活動や事務的な仕事)が具体的にどれくらい減っているのか、上記の労働をサポートする事務員や部活専任指導者がどれくらい増えているのかを知りたいです。






Yesterday, I sent an email asking what policies and philosophies the major political parties have from the Sustainable Development Goals (I have not yet received a response from any of the parties).

Today, as an extension of that, I sent a question to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) regarding the issue of education in public junior high schools in Japan.

Here is the content of the emailed question

According to a recent OECD survey, Japanese public junior high school teachers work an average of about 60 hours a week, which is much longer than in other countries, but the amount of time spent in class (including preparation) is lower than the average in other countries. The website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) introduces measures to reduce the working hours of teachers, but have there been any concrete results or improvements? In particular, I would like to know how much non-classroom work (e.g., club activities and clerical work) has been specifically reduced, and how much the number of clerical workers and full-time club activity instructors who support the above work has increased.

My daughter is old enough to go to junior high school next year, and teachers at elementary and junior high schools are the first adults she comes in contact with other than her own parents, and I myself was very much influenced by them as a child.

I truly believe that the job of an elementary or junior high school teacher is a very important job that develops children’s potential and motivates them, but I hear that the number of people taking up teaching positions is decreasing every year. One reason is that, as you mentioned in your email question, I think there is an opportunity for improvement in working conditions.

I myself have more than a few teachers who helped and saved me when I was a child. If more young and talented people would choose the profession of teacher and take pride in being an educator, I believe that education in Japan would be much better.


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サイト管理人: カネゴン バブルが終わる直前の1991年に、外資系の金融関係の会社に入社しました。そこでビジネスのイロハを学ばせていただき、10年以上のオーストラリアでの勤務時代には英語漬けの毎日でした。その後、縁があり、現在働いている外資系IT企業にお世話になっております。ここでは、1,000名を超える組織と日本だけでなく韓国のチームを率いる経験をさせていただき人材開発やチームエンゲージメントに注力してきました。 (このブログの最初の投稿 2020年3月2日) 人間に生まれて半世紀が過ぎました。後どれくらい自分の人生が残されているか分かりませんが、残りの人生、自分の好きなことや、興味のあることをひたすらやり続けていくことを決意しました。 それを全うすることが出来たら、人生の最後に自分の人生は本当に幸せであったなと振り返ることが出来ると思うのです。 このブログはそうした自分の想いを込めて、”幸せの達人になる” と名付けてみました。 これから毎日、”xxxの達人になる”というカテゴリー別に記事をアップしていきますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Writer; Kanegon Joined the US financial related company in Tokyo back in 1991 as the fresh graduate and learnt the business 101 over there including over 10 years overseas experience in Sydney, Australia. I'm currently working for US IT company in Tokyo and am fortunate to manage over 1,000 employees organization for not only Japan, but also Korea team.