Thanks to the pain I have been experiencing after having my wisdom teeth removed for the past week, I have not been able to do any of my daily running routine.
I have also not been able to study English, practice guitar, or clean the house as much as I would like, which is also part of my daily routine.
However, today, the pain has eased up a bit from yesterday, and I am a little more motivated. I still can’t wean myself off the pain medication, but even so, my mood is much improved even if the pain has subsided a little.
As I wrote in yesterday’s blog, I really appreciate being in good health. Another thing I felt through this experience is the importance of having a habit.
Whether it is running, guitar, or English, I noticed that even if I blanked out for a week, I still felt very uncomfortable. That’s how ingrained it has become in my life as a routine.
In order to live a happy life, you need to have a purpose and meaning to your life.
And once you have a purpose for your life, you must act every day to fulfill that purpose.
It is a very simple thing to do, but I think this is the law of happiness.
Even if there are days when it pours, there is no rain that does not stop, and even if it is dark and I cannot see the future, I tell myself that there is no night that does not dawn, and I persevere until I can resume running again.