It was December of 2019 when our dog Charlie came to our house.
He was at least three months old, but it’s been two years since then.
Charlie is now a fully grown dog, but the average lifespan of an Irish Setter is about 12 years.
The average lifespan of an Irish Setter is said to be about 12 years, so if you compare her age to that of a person, she would be about 20 years old.
By the way, our Charlie is a girl, not a boy, as we have nicknamed her Charlotte, not Charles.
And Charlie will be over my age in four years, so I have to cherish the time I have with her.
My dog is growing up fast, but my daughter, who will be entering middle school this year, has been growing up at a fast pace for the past few years.
I also feel that my life has started to change a lot in the last year, and I believe that my family, myself, and the people around me will change more and more with time.
I feel nostalgic for my daughter, my dog’s growth and my own life, but I also feel excited to keep on changing.
And when I die, I would like to say that I have no regrets about my life while thinking about my beloved existence.