理想を言えば、両方なのだと思いますが、年を取るにつれ、自分の潜在能力を最大限引き出すために最も大切なことは、”ありのままの自分でいられるかどうか” であるという考えに落ち着きました。
Should we develop our strengths?
Or should we overcome our weaknesses?
Ideally, I would say both, but as I get older, I have come to the conclusion that the most important thing in order to reach my full potential is to be able to “just be myself.
We all have a social role to play, and we all play different roles.
We all have different faces depending on the role we play, whether it is at work, as a parent, or in the community.
In other words, don’t try to be someone you’re not.
People around you may want you to be “the same as everyone else,” but if you easily identify with or conform to them, your individuality and strengths may disappear.
The more people who accept you as you are and stand by you, the stronger you will become and the more you will be able to demonstrate your abilities.
So, how do you increase the number of people who accept you as you are?
There are many answers to this question, but I think it’s best to start by accepting others and taking their side.