



更に、Newspick で、元マイクロソフト社長の成毛眞さんの、”2040 未来からの提言”の動画を見たのですが、これからの20年で、南海トラフ地震や富士山噴火などの天災が起こる可能性が非常に高いと紹介されていました。ちなみに、地震と連鎖で噴火が起こった場合、その経済的損失は、200兆円以上になるという試算がされているそうです。国家予算の二倍近い数字になる訳ですね。




I felt a little gloomy when I read the following two news articles.

On the 21st, the government approved the budget plan for fiscal year 2021. The total amount of the general account is 106.6097 trillion yen, including a reserve fund of 5 trillion yen to prepare for countermeasures against the new coronavirus infection. The amount of newly issued government bonds, which is the national debt, will swell to about 43.6 trillion yen.
This is the ninth consecutive year that the total amount of the general account has reached a record high. The total amount of the general account increased by about 4 trillion yen from the beginning of the previous fiscal year, and exceeded 100 trillion yen for the third consecutive year. In addition to a large increase in reserve funds, social security spending reached a new record high, and defense spending also increased for the ninth consecutive year. Tax revenue, which is the source of funding, is expected to decline for the first time in 11 years, factoring in the slump in corporate earnings due to the new corona. The amount of newly issued government bonds, which is the national debt, is expected to increase for the first time in 11 years compared to the beginning of the previous fiscal year. The debt will increase further and the burden on future generations will increase.

The employment situation in 2020 has worsened significantly. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) announced on April 29th that the average effective job offer ratio for 2020 is 1.18 times, down 0.42 points from the previous year. This is the largest drop in 45 years since 1975, when the oil crisis hit. According to the Labor Force Survey released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on the same day, the average number of people out of work for 20 years was the largest in history. The unemployment rate worsened to 2.8% for the first time in 11 years.

Furthermore, I saw a video on Newspick titled “2040: Suggestions from the Future” by Mr. Makoto Naruke, the former president of Microsoft, and he introduced the possibility of natural disasters such as the Nankai Trough earthquake and the eruption of Mt. Fuji eruption.

Fuji eruption in the next 20 years. Incidentally, it has been estimated that the economic loss from the earthquake and eruption would be more than 200 trillion yen. That’s almost double the national budget.

So, I have covered only the gloomy news, but I think the important thing is not to turn away from the harsh reality, but to make an effort to live a happy life.

Ultimately, I think it is important to ask ourselves what kind of life we would want to live if we were informed in advance that we had only one year to live, or some other fixed period of time, and to do what we can do solemnly.


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サイト管理人: カネゴン バブルが終わる直前の1991年に、外資系の金融関係の会社に入社しました。そこでビジネスのイロハを学ばせていただき、10年以上のオーストラリアでの勤務時代には英語漬けの毎日でした。その後、縁があり、現在働いている外資系IT企業にお世話になっております。ここでは、1,000名を超える組織と日本だけでなく韓国のチームを率いる経験をさせていただき人材開発やチームエンゲージメントに注力してきました。 (このブログの最初の投稿 2020年3月2日) 人間に生まれて半世紀が過ぎました。後どれくらい自分の人生が残されているか分かりませんが、残りの人生、自分の好きなことや、興味のあることをひたすらやり続けていくことを決意しました。 それを全うすることが出来たら、人生の最後に自分の人生は本当に幸せであったなと振り返ることが出来ると思うのです。 このブログはそうした自分の想いを込めて、”幸せの達人になる” と名付けてみました。 これから毎日、”xxxの達人になる”というカテゴリー別に記事をアップしていきますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Writer; Kanegon Joined the US financial related company in Tokyo back in 1991 as the fresh graduate and learnt the business 101 over there including over 10 years overseas experience in Sydney, Australia. I'm currently working for US IT company in Tokyo and am fortunate to manage over 1,000 employees organization for not only Japan, but also Korea team.