I think we all have questions we keep asking ourselves and worrying about in order to find answers, purpose and meaning in life.
I believe that the answer is different for each person, and there may be times when we continue to worry about questions that have no right answer in the first place.
So, is there no point in worrying and thinking?
This is because I believe that the more we worry, the stronger we become.
If you work out your muscles, they get bigger and thicker, and if you run long distances, your endurance will increase.
In the same way, the more you use your brain, the more synapses you have, and the better your recording and learning abilities will be, so the things you have suffered from will stimulate your brain and activate the nerve cells in your brain.
For me, I believe that suffering from a young age has made me more resilient.
I believe that having suffered since I was young has increased my resilience. I believe that this resilience has made me more resilient and able to look at things positively.
I also feel that the joy and enjoyment I experience in return is proportional to the duration and magnitude of my suffering. In other words, joy is greater when you work hard to get it, rather than when it is easy to get.
So when I feel painful or distressed, I have come to believe that it is a necessary process for me to grow and be happy. By thinking that way, my life has become much easier, and more importantly, I feel that I am able to expect and believe in myself.
I have heard the saying that hope comes only after despair, and I think that is exactly what I am doing now.