思い描くということはとても大切なことで、”想いは実現する”、だとか、”人は自分が思った通りの人間にしかなれない” という言葉をよく聞くことがあります。
” 脳は入力された情報を処理するときに、「仮説立証型」といって、「できると確信する(仮説を立てる)と、獲得した情報の中から効率的に回答を引き出そうそと認知情報を処理する部位がフルに働きます。その結果として、「できるんだ」と確信したことは必ず出来るようになるのです 。”
The present you is an accumulation of the past you. And the past you is the result of your past thoughts.
It is very important to imagine, and we often hear people say that “thoughts come true” or “people can only be who they think they can be.
From a cognitive science perspective, this means that
“When processing input information, the brain is “hypothesis-proving,” meaning that when it is convinced that it can do something (make a hypothesis), the parts of the brain that process cognitive information work at full capacity to efficiently extract an answer from the acquired information. As a result, you will always be able to do what you are convinced you can do.”
This can be explained as follows (quoted from the book by Yamato Bidatsu).
In other words, he tells us that in order to accomplish something, it is very important to start with a thought, and to keep that thought strong and clear.
Another important thing to keep in mind is to believe in yourself and have confidence in yourself.
I believe that every child has various dreams, but no matter what they are, they do not think that they can make them come true, but they have an unfounded confidence.
I feel that this unfounded confidence, or believing in yourself, is very important for adults. This is because I believe that there are too many adults who give up before they even try, or who lack confidence in themselves, saying that they can’t do it anyway.
However, if you start by believing in yourself with a pure heart like you did when you were a child, you may be able to grow a big dream.