と言うことで、プロのブロガーの人たちは、どれくらいのアクセス数を集めているのか調べて見たところ、上級レベルになると、月間で30万ものpv (page view)があると知り驚愕してしまいました。1日に10,000万人もの人がそのサイトを訪れるという計算となります。
It’s been about nine months since I started my blog.
My first memorable post was on March 2nd, titled “Be Happy,” and since then, I’ve been able to post every day without interruption.
In my case, I’ve been writing partly for self-satisfaction, but now that I’ve accumulated nearly 400 articles, I’ve started to feel the desire to have more people read them.
So I looked up how many accesses professional bloggers get, and was astonished to find out that advanced level bloggers get as many as 300,000 pv (page views) per month, which means that as many as 100 million people visit their sites per day.
By the way, if you are a top-ranked blogger, you will get more than 3 million page views per month, or 100 million visitors per day, which is already an astronomical number for me.
In my case, I’m not even a beginner… well, I’m not even sure I should call myself a beginner, but I thought that if I kept going like this, one day I would be able to move up from beginner to intermediate to advanced.
In order to achieve this goal, I would like to become more and more a master of happiness, and I would like to send out useful information to those who read my blog, even if only a little.
Thank you very much for your support.