Our genes determine our appearance, physical abilities, IQ, etc., and these are the basic specifications of who we are.
There are many people who give up academics, sports, dieting, etc., because of their genes, or do not take up the challenge in the first place, but I myself believe that human abilities do not change that much to begin with.
Of course, not every baseball boy can become like Otani, and it would be difficult to grow taller or look like Kimura through one’s own efforts.
Still, if we think of life as a 100-year period, it is not uncommon to see people in their teens and 20s, for whom the difference in their natural abilities had a great influence on their results, but by the time they reach their 40s and 50s, through continued effort and by creating their own environment, the gap in their abilities has narrowed, and people who were constantly losing in their teens are now on the winning side. It is often the case that people who were losing when they were in their teens become winners.
In other words, like the fable of the hare and the tortoise, it is true that no matter how much talent you have, if you do not continue to hone it, it will rust away, and conversely, those who can continue to make steady efforts will one day see their talent blossom or grow to greatness.
Still, there may be no guarantee that your efforts will always pay off.
However, depending on one’s way of thinking, being able to strive for something and having that object itself may be a blessing.
I am 53 years old and still have many dreams, and I like myself for striving toward those dreams. I believe that there are some dreams that cannot be fulfilled, but the most important thing is not to fulfill them, but to live each day excitedly toward them.
In the age of 100 years of life, I will still develop my abilities even after 50 years old.