Praise rather than bad words.
Suggestions rather than criticism.
Excitement over frustration.
These are all part of the words on the wall in my room, but without being aware of them, we tend to get caught up in negativity and drift to low points rather than aiming high.
This is especially true when it comes to emotions, which is fine if they are positive, but anger, anxiety, and other negative emotions are so energetic that they can drag us down and cause us to waste the rest of the day.
So, what is the best way to avoid negative emotions as much as possible?
In my own experience, I have found that it is very effective to give up the desire to control others and things as much as possible in order to avoid prolonging negative emotions.
Even in Buddhist teachings, it is important to give up attachment and adherence in order to grow as a human being.
If we can let go of the idea that it is a waste of time to try to control others and things when we cannot even control ourselves, and focus only on controlling ourselves, we will have less backbiting and attachment to people and society, and our lives will become much easier.
And if possible, quit judging and evaluating people and things.
Things are often black and white depending on how you look at them, and the way you see them depends on the color of your lens. And putting one’s own judgment into it is sure to create obsession and fixation.
I myself believe that the key to growing older is how to get away from these attachments, fixations, and stereotypes.
Today and tomorrow, I would like to continue my training as if I were a little boy for the rest of my life.