最近読んだ本で、林則行さんという方が書かれた、”世界が大不況でも資産を増やせるって本当ですか?” の内容がかなり考えさせられる内容だったので紹介してみたいと思います。
I recently read a book written by Noriyuki Hayashi, “Is it true that you can increase your assets even if the world is in a deep recession?” written by Noriyuki Hayashi, was quite thought-provoking and I would like to introduce it to you.
At the beginning of the book, he predicts that a global economic crisis will soon be upon us.
Stock prices will be down 70%! One in five people will lose their jobs!
Salaries will effectively be cut in half, pensions will be reduced by 30%.
Japan will default (unable to pay back its debts) and go into financial collapse.
Indeed, Japan’s debt-to-GDP ratio, which indicates the size of the country’s economy, is more than twice that of its GDP, which is by far the highest among developed countries, and with the aging of the population increasing expenditures, the possibility of a fiscal collapse is often pointed out.
On the other hand, there are many economists and politicians who have developed the theory that Japan’s fiscal collapse is unlikely. Common reasons given by those who argue that the Japanese government will not go bankrupt are
However, since most of Japan’s debt is in government bonds, the Bank of Japan can simply issue more and more money to buy more and more government bonds.
Those who are pessimistic about Japan’s budget deficit are not so sure, because even if this is theoretically true, we human beings are emotionally driven creatures. They are creating a scenario in which traders around the world will sell off Japan, starting with a collapse in the yen, and then selling off both yen-denominated government bonds and Japanese equities.
In my own opinion, it is important to consider worst-case scenarios in order to protect oneself economically. On the other hand, while I do not think it is meaningful to just fuel more anxiety, I also think it is different to be optimistic that things will somehow work out without any evidence.
And I believe that in order to restore Japan’s fiscal health, revenue must be dramatically increased, and to do so, the consumption tax rate must be raised to about 25%, which is on par with that in Northern Europe. I know that many people are disgusted by the mere mention of raising taxes, but I believe that if we do not do this now, Japan will become a poorer and poorer country, and we will not be able to leave a bright future for our children. On the other hand, the Scandinavian countries, with their tax rates that are pushed so high, are not only famous for their strong welfare systems, but also for the relatively high level of happiness of their citizens.
Incidentally, the book I introduced at the beginning of this article recommends shifting financial assets to gold (bars and gold ETFs) in anticipation of the collapse of the Japanese economy.
I would consider doing so as soon as possible, but I think it is much better to endure the pain now in order to achieve a primary balance of finances than to have Japan go bankrupt and the country be in turmoil.