In a blog post just the other day, I recommended the consumption of a group of foods to stimulate the release of brain hormones.
For the past month, I myself have been trying to accelerate my diet by stopping the toast I used to eat for breakfast and instead eating plain yogurt with a slice of banana and three types of granola with soy.
I’m basically skipping lunch and eating dinner as normal.
The diet plan is to lose 1 kilo in 9 days by subtracting the calories I take in from the calories I consume per day to get to minus 750 kcal. I’ve lost about 3.5 kilos in the past month, so I’m just on track with the plan.
The diet can be unbalanced, and if the balance is unbalanced, I may be energy deficient and unable to move during the day, but in this case, I am feeling better by taking fruit (bananas), protein (soy), dairy products (yogurt), and carbohydrates (cereal) for breakfast.
Also, my motivation to lose weight continues to be positive as I do daily meditations with belly breathing, as well as running/walking with Charlie to activate the hormones in my brain.
I hope to continue the diet for another 4-5 months at this rate, and I will keep you posted on my progress.