今日は、Feel Better, Live Moreというポッドキャストの番組にゲストとして出ていたDr. Dan Siegelさんの話で印象に残ったことを紹介します。
Today, I’d like to share something that struck me about Dr. Dan Siegel, who was a guest on the Feel Better, Live More podcast show.
Dr. Siegel is a professor at the UCLA School of Medicine and a neurologist who has written several books on mental health and mindfulness.
In particular, he has published a number of books on parenting and children’s mental development from the perspective of brain medicine.
In the program, he shared an episode about his son.
That is, when his son was still young, he started playing the piano that was in the house and became crazy about it. He played it for hours every day, so he got a piano teacher. The teacher taught him the piano enthusiastically anyway, but the son said he no longer enjoyed playing the piano and quit the piano itself.
Several years passed, and when he became a teenager (13 years old), he became interested in playing the guitar this time. Again, he had a teacher who gave him lessons, but this time the teacher just let him play the way he wanted to play and prioritized what he found enjoyable over developing his technique and skills.
Thanks to this, he never quit playing the guitar, and his love of music and talent continued to flourish. And after a few years, he was offered a scholarship from a prestigious music school that only a limited number of people could enter.
However, he turned down the offer and enrolled in an ordinary university.
He himself felt that if he went to a music school, he would play the guitar to get a good score from his teacher and to impress the competition. He told us why he turned down the offer, saying that he wanted to play the guitar to express himself freely and, above all, for his own enjoyment.
And he is now a professional musician, he said.
I myself could not have thought or even made a decision like him when I was younger. But now, at 56 years old, I have finally made up my mind to do only what I love and what excites me.
I don’t know how much time I have left, but I just want to do what I love as much as I can.