ということで、もしも自分の中に、”それは以前試して上手く行かなかったから” だとか、”自分には無理” などという気持ちが出てきたら、今後はそれをこのブログで公開して自分を変えていくきっかけにしたいと思います。
私自身、このブログを2年半前に立ち上げるときに、これからは、”正しいこと” よりも ”幸せでいること” を選び、”誰かの人生を生きる” のではなく、”自分の人生を生きる” ことに決めて、だいぶ人生が楽になってきました。そしてさらに自分の人生を大きく変えるために今は、どんな時でも自分を裏切らないで自分の可能性を信じて行動していきたいと思っています。
I am celebrating my 54th birthday this month, and I feel that the most important thing I need to do right now is to let go of the stereotypes that I have acquired in my life and believe that I can do and be anything I want to be, just like when I was a little kid.
I want to be more free in my thoughts, not only to stop worrying about what others and society think of me, but also to stop the negative thoughts that I have about myself to break through the scepticism and limitations that I have acquired in myself.
So, if I find myself thinking, “That’s because I tried that before and it didn’t work,” or “I can’t do that,” I would like to disclose it in this blog as an opportunity to change myself in the future. I would like to use it as an opportunity to change myself.
However, I will not force myself to be positive by pretending to be who I really am, so the point is whether or not I can be positive from the bottom of my heart in any situation.
Therefore, if negative feelings do not disappear and positive feelings do not appear forever, I would like to document my feelings and thoughts at that time as conclusively and objectively as possible on this blog.
When I myself started this blog two and a half years ago, I said that from now on I would choose “being happy” over “being right” and “living someone else’s life. I have made my life a lot easier since I decided to “live my life” instead of “live someone else’s life,” but in order to further change my life, I believe that I have to believe in my potential and challenge myself to be honest.
In order to do so, I will clean up any mental cloud in my mind so that I can be in my best mental state at any time.
ブログを立ち上げたときに、これからは、”正しいこと” よりも ”幸せでいること” を選びことに決めて、だいぶ人生が楽になってきました。そして今はどんな時でも自分を裏切らないことを大切にしていきたいです。