『AI vs. 教科書が読めない子どもたち』という本の中で、子供の読解力が下がっている事例として、以下の読解問題の正答率が低いことが挙げられています。
セルロースは( )と形が違う。
(1)デンプン (2)アミラーゼ (3)グルコース (4)酵素
The enzyme amylase breaks down starch, which is made up of glucose, but not cellulose, which is made up of the same glucose but in a different form.
amylase (アミラーゼ)は、starch (デンプン)を分解する
amylase (アミラーゼ)は、cellulose (セルロース)は分解しない
In the book “AI vs. Children Who Can’t Read Textbooks”, an example of the decline in children’s reading comprehension is the low percentage of correct answers to the following reading comprehension questions.
First, could you try to answer the following questions?
Read the following sentence.
The enzyme amylase breaks down starch, which is formed by the connection of glucose, but it cannot break down cellulose, which is made of the same glucose but in a different form.
In this context, choose the one option that best fits the blank in the sentence below.
Cellulose is different in shape from ( ).
(1) starch (2) amylase (3) glucose (4) enzymes
Did you get the right answer?
As part of my job, I often translate Japanese into English and interpret, but I always have a hard time understanding the structure of the Japanese language because the predicate comes at the end of the sentence, so if there are particles or conjunctions in between, it becomes difficult to understand the meaning.
I felt that the above sentence is similar to that, and it’s not so much a matter of children’s reading comprehension skills as it is a matter of adults finding it difficult to read correctly.
So what about translating it into English?
The enzyme amylase breaks down starch, which is made up of glucose, but not cellulose, which is made up of the same glucose but in a different form.
Furthermore, if we break down this English sentence
Amylase breaks down starch
Starch is made of glucose
Amylase does not break down cellulose
Cellulose is made up of glucose.
Cellulose is a different form of cellulose than starch.
So, what do you think this time?
The correct answer is the starch in (1).
When I read the same sentence in Japanese and English, I found it easier to understand the English sentence because of the simplicity of the English structure.