- 感情に感情で返さない(ネガティブな言動に引きづられない)
- うわさ話や悪口に反応しない
- 説明や質問をされたときディフェンシィブにならない(言い訳をしない)
- 分からない時は分からないと言う(曖昧にしない)
- 相手の理解や期待値を常に確認する(暗黙のなんとかではなく)
It is a Buddhist teaching that the world is always changing and nothing is certain.
In the same token, the person you are today is a result of the choices you have made, and you must continue to take responsibility for your own life.
This means that I cannot change the life I have lived, but I can change the life I will live.
So, I want to make an effort to take the right thoughts, words, and actions for the things I can control (i.e., my emotions, choices, and reactions) and create a lot of good causes in my life.
For example, just by changing your own reactions to the following situations, you can change the outcome of the situation.
– Don’t respond to emotions with emotions (don’t get dragged into negative words and actions)
– Don’t react to rumors or bad words.
– Don’t be defensive (don’t make excuses) when asked for explanations or questions.
– When you don’t understand, say you don’t understand (don’t be vague)
– Always check the other person’s understanding and expectations (not implicitly or otherwise)
By accumulating good causes, life will be easier to live and you will also like yourself more.