Excellence is not an act, but a habit! (卓越というのは、その時の行動ではなく、これまでの習慣が形作るものである)
また、”準備とは、後悔をしないため、言い訳の材料を作らないため” という言葉にも出会いましたが、この言葉も、これまで多くの後悔と言い訳をしてきた自分にとっては心に刺さる言葉となりました。
Nearly 30 years ago, at a new employees training program in a foreign company I joined as a new graduate, then the head of the department I beloned to gave me a quote that has become my motto to this day.
It is a famous quote by Aristotle.
Excellence is not an act, but a habit!.
In other words, the person you are today is the result of the person you were in the past, and to make the best of yourself, you need to make constant efforts and habits every day.
I also came across the phrase, “Preparation is to avoid regrets and to avoid making excuses,” which really hit home for me as I have had many regrets and excuses.
As I have written in this blog, I have decided to continue doing what I love for the rest of my life, and I think this is because I have a strong sense of not making excuses to myself and not wanting to regret my life any more.