一年半前に、このブログを立ち上げた時に自分自身に誓ったことは、”残りの人生とにかく自分のやりたいこと、好きなことをする” というものでした。
When I started this blog a year and a half ago, I made a vow to myself that I would do what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, what I liked to do.
That vow has directly changed my behavior and thinking, and I feel satisfied that I am on the path I should be on.
On the other hand, there were times when I thought that striving only for what I want to do and what I like to do is not thinking about others, and in other words, selfish behavior.
As I mentioned in the title of this blog, the purpose of my remaining life is to become a master of happiness, but I felt that if I only put my own happiness first, I would not be able to become a master of happiness in the true sense of the word.
I thought about how I could learn to think and act in an altruistic way, and I came to the conclusion that it is very important to accept others without denying them.
If we can accept others without denying them, they may tell us their true feelings and thoughts.
Then, if you have the attitude to listen to them properly, they may even appreciate you for that.
I’ve been doing coaching sessions with employees at work for about 20 years, and it’s only recently that I’ve realized that it’s more effective to spend more time listening to the other person’s story and finding out what they have to say by asking questions, rather than focusing on myself.
So I came to the conclusion that if someone is troubled or lacking in energy, listening to them first, and then reaching out to them if necessary, will not only make them happy but also make me happy.