エコノミスト誌の最新号で、”Home, sweet home”という見出しで、日本の若者の国内志向回帰に関する記事が取り上げられていました。
In a recent blog post, I discussed the gloomy news about the future of Japan.
Furthermore, in the latest issue of the Economist magazine, there was an article about the return of Japanese youth to domestic orientation under the headline “Home, sweet home”.
The content of the article was that Japanese young people, in addition to young people in other developed countries, are becoming less and less interested in studying or working abroad, and the article described the dilemma of not being able to nurture human resources while the government policy is to promote Japan’s activities and presence in the world.
In another article, it was mentioned that only 12% of Japanese people think positively that the economy will improve in the next 15 years, which is quite low compared to other countries.
It is true that when we think about the future of Japan, it may be easier to find something gloomy than something bright.
However, I feel that we are looking at things a little too pessimistically, which may be part of our national character. I also think that many of us underestimate our own abilities.
Having worked for a foreign-affiliated company for almost 30 years myself, I have found that people who are highly evaluated for their work and those who are promoted are those who always look at things positively and have confidence in themselves.
Lastly, a bit of hope can be seen in a survey of new adults, where 60% of the new adults answered that their future is bright. In a survey of new adults, 60% said their future was bright, citing reasons such as “I can do anything I want, I have lots of possibilities” and “I have a clear goal.
In order to support this kind of hope, I would like to make more effort than the young people to be a role model, even if only a little.