



そんな中、ミズノのランニングシューズの名品ウェーブブライダーからGTX( ゴアテック)が出たので早速購入したのですが、最近左足の親指の側面に豆ができるようになってしまいました。シューズに当たる部分に何か突起物のようなものが当たるのです。これではランニングもままならないのでミズノのカスタマーサービスに問い合わせたところ一度靴の内部を調べていただけることとなり靴を送ることに。





At some point in my life, I started to prefer outdoor and sports brands that pursue functional beauty in their clothes, shoes, and bags.

Nowadays, I only wear Gore-Tex shoes. Although Gore-Tex shoes have an image of heavy-duty use such as mountaineering shoes, I wear Gore-Tex equipped shoes for trail runs, and I like them because they don’t feel so lumpy and uncomfortable to wear around town.

In the meantime, Mizuno’s famous running shoe, the Wave Rider GTX (Gore-Tex), came out and I immediately bought it, but lately I’ve developed a bean on the side of my left thumb. The part of my left thumb that touches the shoe has some kind of protrusion on it. I contacted Mizuno customer service and asked them to check the inside of the shoe, so I sent the shoe to them.

They replied immediately, “We found a protruding part in the shoe (the toe core), and it seems that the core material in this part has been broken somehow and has become a protrusion. They decided to replace it with a new product. I will now be able to participate in the marathon on January 23 with GTX shoes.

There was one more thing that impressed me about customer service. montbelle has a product called Ignis Down Jacket, which is very high quality and won an award from a prestigious outdoor magazine in the U.S. It has been out of stock since last year, and I couldn’t buy it online or at the store (in the black color I wanted). When I went to the store to check when they would be back in stock, they replied that they might be back in stock in the latter half of January next year, so I thought it would be impossible to buy them this winter. But then, at the end of the year, I received a call from the store, informing me that a few black items would be coming in to the store and the online store. I was able to place a hold on the item at the store, and that same night, the online store’s page that was previously unavailable became available for purchase. I snapped it up on the spot and had it in my hands the next day, and since it was on December 29, I was able to wear it skiing at the end of the year.

My favorite things have their own stories that make me love them. This is how you come to love them more and more, treat them with care, and share them with others, creating more and more memories. You don’t need many things. A life surrounded by only the things you truly love is just right.


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


サイト管理人: カネゴン バブルが終わる直前の1991年に、外資系の金融関係の会社に入社しました。そこでビジネスのイロハを学ばせていただき、10年以上のオーストラリアでの勤務時代には英語漬けの毎日でした。その後、縁があり、現在働いている外資系IT企業にお世話になっております。ここでは、1,000名を超える組織と日本だけでなく韓国のチームを率いる経験をさせていただき人材開発やチームエンゲージメントに注力してきました。 (このブログの最初の投稿 2020年3月2日) 人間に生まれて半世紀が過ぎました。後どれくらい自分の人生が残されているか分かりませんが、残りの人生、自分の好きなことや、興味のあることをひたすらやり続けていくことを決意しました。 それを全うすることが出来たら、人生の最後に自分の人生は本当に幸せであったなと振り返ることが出来ると思うのです。 このブログはそうした自分の想いを込めて、”幸せの達人になる” と名付けてみました。 これから毎日、”xxxの達人になる”というカテゴリー別に記事をアップしていきますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Writer; Kanegon Joined the US financial related company in Tokyo back in 1991 as the fresh graduate and learnt the business 101 over there including over 10 years overseas experience in Sydney, Australia. I'm currently working for US IT company in Tokyo and am fortunate to manage over 1,000 employees organization for not only Japan, but also Korea team.