When you achieve something, you may feel a rush of adrenaline and a great sense of elation, but I think such an experience can only be counted in the lifetime of an ordinary person.
On the other hand, there are times when I think that something trivial in my daily life was actually something that made me really happy.
For example, one thing I remember about my late father is that after he retired from work, I will never forget the way he always had jam on his toast and hot cocoa for breakfast every morning.
The reason why such a trivial thing still comes to my mind is because the breakfast scene seemed to me like a symbol of my father’s happiness.
In my case, it is the daily walk with Charlie, and I am convinced that this daily trivial scene will never disappear from my mind, even if Charlie is no longer with us, or if I am too old to walk on my own.
I believe that it is the small happiness in everyday life that will be remembered as the greatest happiness when I am gone.
I would like to continue to cherish small happiness.