- 経営管理コンピタンス:経営にコミットし、責任ある立場になりたい
- 専門コンピタンス:自分の専門分野を極めたい
- 自律:安定した環境で落ち着いてじっくり取り組みたい
- 創造性:新しいものを産み出したい、創造性を発揮したい
- 安定:マイペースでいたい、自分のペースを乱されたくない
- 社会への貢献:自分の仕事を通して社会に貢献したい
- チャレンジ:自分の限界を超えたい、新しいことをどんどん試したい
- 全体性と調和:ワークライフバランス、取れた状態にしたい
一方で、最近脚光を浴びているキャリア形成理論に、”プランドハップンスタンス(Planned Happenstance)という理論があります。
Looking back over the past 30 years since I entered the workforce, I feel that I have always had a goal in mind, both in my professional and personal life, and that I have always been driven by my goals.
There is a theory called “career anchor theory” that describes the development of one’s career, and in my case, I can say that I have been making efforts to improve these attributes on a daily basis.
Business management competence: I want to commit to management and be in a position of responsibility.
Professional competence: I want to master my field of expertise
Autonomy: I want to work calmly and carefully in a stable environment.
Creativity: I want to create new things and exercise my creativity.Stability: I want to work at my own pace and not have my pace disturbed.
Contribution to society: I want to contribute to society through my work.
Challenge: I want to push my limits and try new things.8. wholeness and harmony: I want to have a good work-life balance.
On the other hand, there is a theory of career development that has recently come into the spotlight called “Planned Happenstance. In this theory, “chance” (unexpected events) plays an important role in career development.
In the past, I have always believed that in order to achieve my goals, it is important to have a detailed and clear plan, and I have tried to eliminate coincidences as much as possible.
However, when I look back on the events that brought me great growth or were turning points, I realized that they were often brought about not by my own choice, but by unexpected events or encounters.
I don’t mean to deny my past efforts, but from now on, I would like to be able to take detours and enjoy things that are not in harmony with my schedule.