
そしてここで重要になってくることは、”いつかフルマラソンを走れたらいいな” ではなくて目標に日にちを入れることだと思っています。もちろん来月フルマラソンの大会にエントリーするということではありませんが、私の場合、6か月後に10マイル(16キロ)の市民マラソン大会にエントリーをしました。そして次はハーフマラソン、最終的には再来年1月のフルマラソンの大会を照準に計画を立てています。
I failed to lose weight again! How can I continue my diet without failing?
It’s not because I don’t have a clear goal that I really need to lose weight</p
I’m sure there are still conversations like this going on somewhere, and I know how it feels because I’ve been dieting and failing for 2/3 of my life.
In my case, I’ve lost about 10 kilos in the past year, and I think the reason I was able to lose that much weight is because I made dieting a means to an end this time, not an end in itself.
In other words, I had a clear purpose for why I needed to diet this time. It was because I needed to lose weight in order to achieve my two goals: to run a full marathon and to start surfing.
And I think the key here is to put a date to your goal, not just “I hope I can run a full marathon someday. In my case, I entered a 10-mile (16 km) marathon six months later. Then I’m planning for a half marathon next, and finally a full marathon in January the year after next.
So, just by having dreams and goals in life, it becomes a source of passion that drives us forward.
Life is incredibly long when there is nothing you want to do, but the moment you want to accomplish something in life, you feel that no amount of life is enough.
That’s what I like to say now. Now, I want to open up the gas pedal for the rest of my life and have fun while making my dreams and goals come true.