バンド名も、中学の時のクラス名を入れた、”the A組バンド”に決まり、今年の夏にはA組の同窓会を企画してそこでお披露目しようという目標も決まりました。
さあ、今日も Let it be に Stand by me を練習しよう。
No I won’t be afraid.
Just as long as you stand, stand by me.
Yesterday, I had band practice with a group of five of my classmates from elementary and junior high school.
After practicing for three hours at a rental studio, we went to a New Year’s party.
The New Year’s party was also at a restaurant run by one of my junior high school classmates, so it was a private party, and we brought our guitars and keyboards and enjoyed playing there. My friends, except for me, who don’t drink alcohol, may have played smoother than usual due to the alcohol.
We started practicing in May last year, and since then we have been meeting at a rental studio once every two months. Since then, we have been practicing every two months at a rental studio. Of course, we also practice individually, so when I look back at the video of our first performance and yesterday’s performance, we have gotten much better.
I was reminded of how wonderful it is to work together with others with a single goal.
We also decided on the name of the band, “the A-gumi band,” which includes the names of our junior high school classes, and our goal is to plan a reunion of the A-gumi this summer and show off the band at the reunion.
We are all turning 54 this year. I don’t know how long we will be able to continue, but we have just begun this challenge, and it would be wonderful if we could continue to perform together for the next ten years.
Ten years from now, when we play songs from the 80’s that are filled with our youth, I’m sure we’ll all still be feeling the same way we did in junior high school, 3A.
Let’s practice “Let it be” and “Stand by me” again today.
No I won’t be afraid.
Just as long as you stand, stand by me.