I don’t know what to tell you now, but the rice cooker I ordered online arrived today.
We did not replace our previous rice cooker because it had become old; we had not had a rice cooker in our house for more than 10 years.
We used to cook rice in an earthenware pot, but we decided to purchase this jar because of its ease of use and the fact that it cooks rice at high temperature all at once with IH and can cook brown rice and barley rice deliciously.
Until now, I have only chosen white rice, but from now on, thinking about my health, I would like to take healthy rice every day, such as brown rice, five-grain rice, and barley blended together.
So, I immediately cooked the first white rice blended with brown rice for supper this evening.
I also made miso soup with nameko mushrooms and tofu.
I also chose eggplant as a seasonal ingredient and made it into tempura. By frying it twice, the outside was crispy while the inside was very juicy.
The result was so satisfying that I had to have another bowl of rice for the first time in a while.
In Japan, there is a very good old saying, “One soup, one vegetable.
A frugal meal is good for the body, good for the wallet, and shortens the cooking time.
For the past few years, my diet has consisted of only protein milk for breakfast, basically no lunch, and a hearty dinner, but I felt that this was harmful because I would inevitably eat too much dinner, which would make me sleepy all at once after eating.
I decided to buy a rice cooker this time, and I thought I would try eating a light one-course meal for dinner instead of a full lunch.
From now on, I will be able to enjoy looking for side dishes that go well with rice for a while and experimenting with different dishes.