I had my fourth and final wisdom tooth extracted on Tuesday.
The next day, the area on the right side of my jaw where the tooth was extracted swelled up as if I had the mumps, but the swelling went down in 4-5 days. But instead, the gum after the tooth was pulled started to ache and hurt.
If I don’t do anything, it is fine, but when I open my mouth to eat something, the pain gets worse and I can’t even eat.
This makes me realize once again the importance of good health.
There are many things that we usually take for granted, but for which we should be more grateful.
Health may be the most important one, but I should also be more grateful to the people around me, from my parents who gave birth to me, to my wife and children who became my family, to the company that gave me a job, to my colleagues and friends who are always there to support me.
When I was thinking about this, I felt like thanking everything. I came back from a walk with Charlie and looked up at the rain clouds and said, “Thank you for not raining during our walk,” and I looked at Charlie and said, “Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for healing me,” and I felt an even greater outpouring of gratitude.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I believe that this feeling of gratitude comes from the place of “knowing enough.
I thought this phrase originated in Japan, but in fact, it is said to be a quote from an ancient Chinese thinker, “Lao Tzu.
The meaning of this phrase is that “having the awareness of being satisfied with everything makes you mentally fulfilled and allows you to live with a happy feeling.
I thought it was the most necessary word for me right now.
Now, I am thankful to be able to start another new day.
無くして知る健康でいることの大切さ。他にも家族や仕事など、在って当たり前だと思っていることにも感謝しなくてはですね。今の自分には老子の ”足るを知る” という言葉が身に沁みます。