1. serve = 奉仕する
2. passion = 情熱を傾ける
3. work = 働く
4. push = 動く
5. focus = 集中する
6. good = いい面を見る
7. idea = アイデアを出す
8. persist =続ける
1. serve = 奉仕する
2. passion = 情熱を傾ける
3. work = 働く4. push = 動く
5. focus = 集中する
6. good = いい面を見る特に歳を取ると、世の中や物事を悲観的に見ている暇はないので、良い側面を見て、良いところを伸ばしていきたいですね。
7. idea = アイデアを出す人に任せすぎないで、自ら考えを出す、考えたことを実行してみる、いつまでも頭を柔らかくして痛いですね。
8. persist =続ける
Today, I would like to share with you the eight qualities that are necessary for success in work and business.
1. serve
2. passion
3. work
4. push
5. focus
6. good
7. idea
8. persist
1. serve
One of the things that I think is very important for success in work and business is the spirit of service.
I think it is absolutely necessary to have a spirit of service, to want to help and be of service to others, both inside and outside the company.
2. passion
Next, it is important to ask yourself if you are passionate about the job or business. After all, if it’s not something you’re interested in, it’s hard to sustain.
3. work, 4. push
If you don’t work, you can’t eat. I think it is especially important to be light-footed and try everything first.
5. focus
In order to increase productivity in a limited amount of time, the key is to be able to focus on one thing at a time.
6. good
Especially as we get older, we don’t have time to be pessimistic about the world and things, so we need to look at the good side and develop the good points.
7. idea
Don’t leave too much to others, come up with your own ideas, try to implement what you think, it hurts to keep your head soft forever.
8. persistThe last quality I would like to mention is that persistence is an investment of time, and in the end, the person who persists will be the one who succeeds.