Why Bob Dylan Matters by Richard F. Thomas
Transpacific Antiracism by Yuichiro Onishi
Clouds Above the Hills by Ryotaro Shiba (translated by Juliet Winters)
ボブディランの創作活動を文学的な観点で読み解いた本、大好きな司馬遼太郎さんの坂の上の雲の英訳版、そして、日本人ながらアフリカンアメリカンの専門家として世界で活躍するOnishi Yuichitroさんの著作と今から読むのが楽しみです。
The Golden Week holiday season starts tomorrow, and I’m sure there are many people who will be taking a seven-day weekend.
Last year, I was in the middle of declaring a state of emergency, so I stayed at home all the time during Golden Week. I’ve also been reading Western books aloud.
I have plans to go out for a bit during this year’s Golden Week, but as a Golden Week Challenge, I’m going to read a lot of foreign books.
So, here is the list of books that I have included in my Golden Week Challenge.
Why Bob Dylan Matters by Richard F. Thomas
Transpacific Antiracism by Yuichiro Onishi
Clouds Above the Hills by Ryotaro Shiba (translated by Juliet Winters)
I’ve been reading a lot of technical books on debate, argument, and logic for the past month, so this Golden Week I’m going to devote myself to reading for fans.
I’m looking forward to reading a book about Bob Dylan’s creative activities from a literary point of view, an English translation of my favorite Ryotaro Shiba’s Clouds over the Hill, and a book by Onishi Yuichitro, who is Japanese but active in the world as an expert on African Americans.
Of course, I will also continue to brush up my English skills.