年末年始はまとまった時間が取れそうなので、英書52冊チャレンジの今年最後の本として、ジェフリー・アーチャー氏の、”クリフトン年代記第一部作=時のみぞ知る” を手に取りました。
学生のときに彼のデビュー作である、”大統領に知らせますか” を日本語訳で読んで以来のファンで、その後は英語の原書も随分と読んできました。
第一作目の、”時のみぞ知る” を 昨日から読み始めましたが、この本だけでも452ページの厚さがあるので、第七作まで読み終えるまでしばらくの間、ジェフリー・アーチャーの一線級のエンターテイメントを楽しめるのは嬉しいです。
Less than five days to go until the New Year’s Eve.
Since I will have some free time during the New Year’s holiday, I picked up “The Clifton Chronicles Part I: Only Time Will Tell” by Jeffrey Archer as the last book of this year’s 52-volume English book challenge.
I have been a fan of Jeffrey Archer’s since I read his debut novel, “Shall I Inform the President?
This work, which can be called the culmination of Jeffrey Archer’s work, is a seven-volume epic (14 volumes in the Japanese translation) that depicts the life of the main character, Harry Clifton, from 1919 to 1992 in England.
I started reading the first one, “Only Time Will Tell,” yesterday, and since this book alone is 452 pages thick, I am happy to enjoy Jeffrey Archer’s top-notch entertainment for a while until I finish the seventh one! The book is a great read, and I’m looking forward to reading it.
The year-end and New Year’s holidays have been a time for me to do other things, like closing out the year and making vows for the new year, but as soon as December came, I wrote down everything I want to accomplish in the next five years on a mandala chart, so it looks like I won’t be doing any more.
So, during the year-end and New Year’s holidays, I will read and read English with a quota of 100 pages every day, aiming to become a master of English, which is my main goal.