Ask Visa’s bosses and they crow about their firm’s tech and marketing nous. That is a part of it. But the deeper reason for Visa’s success is more prosaic. Being the biggest player in a deeply entrenched payments oligopoly turns out to be fabulously lucrative.
Many casual observers often confuse Visa for a lender that extends credit to people who spend using credit cards adorned with its logo. What it actually does is co-ordinate a complex web of intermediaries that stand between buyers and sellers. The American firm now connects more than 61m merchants to 3.4bn Visa-branded cards, nearly one for every two people on Earth, issued mostly by banks. It takes a small cut for making those connections.
Given their volume—nearly $9trn last year, equivalent to over a tenth of global GDP—the commissions add up. Before covid-19 Visa’s revenues grew by around 10% a year, reaching $23bn in 2019.
Banks used to keep all the fees for themselves. Over 10,000 of them collectively owned Visa until it was spun out in 2008. Since then they have watched with envy as Visa’s profits have swelled 15-fold. Some of this is the result of global expansion and so higher revenues. Visa may not be literally “everywhere you want to be”, but it is close. It claims to be present in more than 200 countries and territories. Better yet, operating margins have swollen over the past 12 years—from a rich 43% to a heart-stopping 65%. Of the world’s 100 biggest listed firms by market value, last year only a state-run Chinese booze giant and Saudi Aramco, an oil colossus, had higher margins. Even the juicy 20-25% levels of technology darlings like Apple and Alphabet are meagre by comparison.
crow = 自慢する、鼻高々に話す
nous = 常識、知恵
prosaic = 面白くない、単調な、平凡な
entrench = 強固な、変わることのない
oligopoly = 売り手寡占
lucrative = 儲かる、有利な
adorn with = … を…で飾る、装飾する
intermediaries = 中間の、中継の
swell = ふくれる、誇張する、増加する
-fold = 倍増の
銀行は以前はすべての手数料を自分達の懐に入れていました。 1万行以上の銀行が、2008年にスピンアウトされるまでは共同でVisaを所有していました。2008年以降は、Visaの利益は15倍までに膨れ上がり、彼はただ羨望の眼差しで見ていることしかできませんでした。これの一部は、グローバル化の拡大とそれによる高い収益の結果です。ビザは文字通り「どこにでもあなたの行きたいところに一緒に」というわけにはないかもしれませんが、ほぼ近い状況です。 200以上の国と地域に進出していると主張しています。さらに良いことに、過去12年間で営業利益率は43%から65%にまで膨れ上がっています。世界の100の上場企業のうち、市場価値で見ると、昨年は国営の中国酒造大手と石油大国であるサウジアラムコだけが利益率が高かった。 AppleやAlphabet(Googleの親会社)のようなテクノロジーリーダーの20-25%という儲かるレベルでさえ比較すると貧弱に見えます。