武井の目標は「毎日成長すること」。すべての仕事が終わった後に“1時間のトレーニング”と“1時間のなんらかの技術練習” “1時間知らないことを勉強する”の3つは欠かさない。 どんなに忙しくても「毎日1時間の努力で世界とも勝負できるんだ」というのが武井の信念という。
I would like to share a quote from the TV personality, Takeshi Takei, that I can relate to very well.
Takei’s goal is to grow every day. After all his work is done, he never misses three things: “one hour of training,” “one hour of practicing some technique,” and “one hour of studying something I don’t know. No matter how busy I am, I always do these three things. No matter how busy he is, Takei’s belief is that he can compete with the rest of the world with one hour of effort every day.
Ultimately, I believe that we are alive to grow until we die, to learn as much as we can in this lifetime.
And I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the amount of training and study you can do on your own time, outside of school and work, will determine your life.
I feel that my life would be so much better if I could keep this in mind and train like a little boy all my life until I die.