


シドニーに住んでいた時に、よく行っていた香港チャイニーズレストランで食べていた ”清蒸鮮魚”の味が忘れられません。私の中ではご飯に合うベストな魚料理なのです。
It is often said that it is the autumn of appetite, and with more and more delicious seasonal foods coming out, it has become a time when dieters need to be careful.
What I have started to pay attention to in my diet is to avoid eating prepared foods and instant foods as much as possible.
In the morning, I have unsweetened yogurt with a few berries and some nuts. I freeze all the berries for convenience.
For lunch, depending on how much I had for dinner the day before, I may or may not take any. When I do, I eat frozen broccoli with avocado, chicken breast, and soybeans, with a sprinkling of ego oil, olive oil, and salt.
At night, I basically eat whatever I want, but I feel guilty if I eat out, such as ramen, so I try to cook at home as much as possible.
I sauté chicken breasts (with skin on) to make chicken oil, and add kujo green onions to it.
The soup is always cooked with powdered agoura (flying fish) soup stock, and then blended with the chicken oil and soy sauce.
Due to the effects of the corona disaster, I have been eating out much less often.
Since I have more and more opportunities to cook rice at home, I want to eat meals that are not only delicious but also healthy and kind to my body.
The seiro, which I ordered online, has just arrived, so today I’m thinking of making some steamed fresh fish.
I can’t forget the taste of “Ching Steamed Fresh Fish” that I used to eat at a Hong Kong Chinese restaurant that I used to frequent when I lived in Sydney. In my mind, it is the best fish dish to go with rice.
Just imagining it makes my mouth drool.
I’ll upload a photo when it’s done well.