昨日のブログに、子供の頃に読んだ漫画キャプテンのことを書いていたら、何か無性にスポ根漫画を読みたくなり、少し毛色は違いますが、BLUE GIANT という漫画をKineldeでダウンロードして読み始めました。
Yesterday, when I wrote about the manga Captain that I read as a child, I felt an irresistible urge to read a sporty manga, so I downloaded the manga BLUE GIANT from Kindle and started reading it.
The main character is a young high school student who is shocked by jazz music he hears at a live house and aims to become a saxophone player himself.
When I get tired of practicing guitar, I read the manga, and then I practice guitar again.
Of course, unlike the main character, I can’t even change chords, so I’m not at the level of being able to play melodies freely, but I’m just happy to be able to hold down difficult chords and make them sound beautiful.
I’m just happy that I’m able to hold down difficult chords and make them sound beautiful.
For example, on the guitar, I can now keep up with the original speed of the song and the chord changes, and when I run, my time has gone from almost 7 minutes to under 6 minutes.
But I guess the most important thing is to go back to the beginning, put the desire to do it first, and keep enjoying it at all times.
I was reminded that happiness for me is to have a goal or a dream and to keep trying until I reach it.