













Since I have no plans to go out on Sunday, I have started researching companies in the Shikiho’s 2022 3rd (summer) issue while reading the Kaisha Shikiho Official Guidebook.

The Shikiho contains data on all of the approximately 3,800 companies listed on the Japanese stock market, so it is difficult to see detailed data on all companies, but if you use the paid Shikiho Online together with the Shikiho, you can use the screening function to easily find growth stocks, find promising stocks using headlines, and find value (undervalued) stocks. I will use this function as well.

The method of investing in individual stocks by comprehensively judging the company’s performance, financial condition, and stock price indices such as ROE (return on equity) and PER (price-to-earnings ratio) is called fundamental analysis, while predicting a stock’s price rise or fall based on stock price chart movements is called technical analysis. The following is a list of some of the most popular day-trading methods.

The image of a person who earns money by day trading stocks is one in which he or she makes full use of several displays and spends hours on the stock price charts of each stock, buying and selling stocks, but this may be more like speculation or gambling than investment.

For myself, as a beginner in investment management, my first goal should be to be able to conduct a solid fundamental analysis and then buy a few individual stocks that I find promising and supportive.

Then, if the stock price rises as expected, I would like to sell the stock and aim for an operation that earns capital gains (profit on sale).

In case you are wondering, there is a theory in the stock investment world that it takes seven years to learn to understand stocks.

It takes a total of about seven years, including three or so years of pain and three or so years of good feelings. After that, they say, you improve by repeating the cycle of success and failure as you are buffeted by the waves of the market.

The most important thing to avoid in investing is to invest all of your assets at once and melt them down in the first three years, or even less than three years. If this happens, even if you accumulate funds again, you may not want to invest again.

Keeping this in mind, I myself would like to start quite small for the first few years and gradually increase the investment amount after gaining experience.

Then, in order to earn as large a return as possible, I will conduct a solid fundamental analysis and look for stocks that are worth investing in.


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


サイト管理人: カネゴン バブルが終わる直前の1991年に、外資系の金融関係の会社に入社しました。そこでビジネスのイロハを学ばせていただき、10年以上のオーストラリアでの勤務時代には英語漬けの毎日でした。その後、縁があり、現在働いている外資系IT企業にお世話になっております。ここでは、1,000名を超える組織と日本だけでなく韓国のチームを率いる経験をさせていただき人材開発やチームエンゲージメントに注力してきました。 (このブログの最初の投稿 2020年3月2日) 人間に生まれて半世紀が過ぎました。後どれくらい自分の人生が残されているか分かりませんが、残りの人生、自分の好きなことや、興味のあることをひたすらやり続けていくことを決意しました。 それを全うすることが出来たら、人生の最後に自分の人生は本当に幸せであったなと振り返ることが出来ると思うのです。 このブログはそうした自分の想いを込めて、”幸せの達人になる” と名付けてみました。 これから毎日、”xxxの達人になる”というカテゴリー別に記事をアップしていきますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Writer; Kanegon Joined the US financial related company in Tokyo back in 1991 as the fresh graduate and learnt the business 101 over there including over 10 years overseas experience in Sydney, Australia. I'm currently working for US IT company in Tokyo and am fortunate to manage over 1,000 employees organization for not only Japan, but also Korea team.