思考は現実化する by ナポレオン・ヒル
あれから20年以上も経ちましたが、今思い返してあの時の自分にアドバイスできるのであれば、”何かを強く思い描くことは大事ではあるものの、それに囚われすぎないようにしなさい” と伝えてあげたいです。
私の場合、何かに熱中するとそのことばかりに考えてしまう傾向がありますが、それを達成するには、”こうでなければならない”、だとか、”それしか方法はない” と物事を近視眼的にみてしまい、結果可能性を狭めてしまうことがありました。
そう言えば、ブルース・リーの言葉に、Don’t think!Feel という言葉がありましたっけ。
Thoughts Become Reality by Napoleon Hill
It is one of the most famous self-help books, having sold a total of 70 million copies worldwide since its publication in 1937. I myself was shocked when I read it when I was in my 20s, and for a time I read only self-help books.
Influenced by these books, I fondly remember how I used to paste images of my dreams and goals onto vision cards and look at them every day, and how I used to keep a dream diary in order to bring my dreams and goals down to my subconscious mind.
More than 20 years have passed since then, and if I could look back now and give advice to the person I was then, I would tell her, “It is important to have a strong vision of something, but don’t get too caught up in it.
In my case, when I am passionate about something, I tend to think about it all the time, but in order to achieve it, I tend to look at things myopically and say, “This is the way it has to be,” or “That is the only way. I would sometimes look at things from a myopic perspective, saying “this is the way it has to be” or “that’s the only way to achieve it,” and as a result, narrow down the possibilities.
Now I understand from experience that when envisioning something, it is necessary to think hard at first, but then it is important to enjoy the process.
To use a sports analogy, if your body is stiff or there is too much tension somewhere in your body, it is difficult to perform, whereas when you are performing well, there is no unnecessary tension in your body, and I believe that your body responds exactly as you imagine it in your head.
In other words, the important thing is to trust your intuition and go in the direction your heart and emotions are excited about or your soul thinks is the right direction, rather than thinking stiffly in your head.
Come to think of it, I remember Bruce Lee saying, Don’t think! Feel.