この方、海苔の漁師さんで、それまで音楽とはなんの縁もなかったそうですが、ピアニストのフジコ・ヘミングさんがこの曲を弾いているのをテレビで見て、自分も弾きたいと思って一発発起、最初の半年は1日8- 10時間の猛練習を重ねたというから驚きです。
I bought a guitar when I celebrated my 52nd birthday last year, and have been taking guitar lessons three times a month.
After that, I was asked by a classmate from elementary school to form my dad’s band, and we practice in the studio every few months, with the goal of performing at a reunion someday.
It’s been over a year since I started playing guitar, but I found myself blaming my age for my inability to play as well as I wanted.
At that time, I happened to see a performance on YouTube of a 52-year-old man who started playing the piano at the age of 52 and within a few years, he was able to play a classical piece called La Campanella by Liszt, which is considered difficult even for professionals.
He was a seaweed fisherman who had never had anything to do with music before, but when he saw the pianist Fujiko Hemming playing this piece on TV, he decided he wanted to play it too, so he took the plunge and practiced hard for 8 to 10 hours a day for the first six months.
Then, at the age of 60, he was invited to a performance by Fujiko Hemming and played La Campanella in front of 1,700 people at the beginning of the performance.
Hearing this episode, I can no longer blame myself for being too old.
50の手習いで始めたギターですが、52歳で、フジコ・ヘミングさんの演奏を見てピアノを始めたという海苔の漁師をしている方が、プロでも弾くのが難しいという ”ラ・カンパネラ” という曲を、60歳の時になんとフジコ・ヘミングさんの公演の前座で演奏。ピアノを始めた半年は毎日8時間練習したそうです。