このブログは、幸せの達人を目指すことになった自分の、”やりたいことを全てやる” をテーマに、自分の奮闘記を日々綴った記録になります。
This blog will be a daily record of my struggle to become a happiness guru, with the theme of “doing everything I want to do.
In the year and a half since I started the blog,
I have been able to start and continue with the things I want to do, and the public diary aspect of this blog has definitely motivated me.However, there is one thing that I have not been able to do at all, which I declared right after I started the blog.
Here is the blog post from that time.
Six Packへの最初の一歩
I think I’m good at keeping up with one thing at a time, but I haven’t been able to keep up with my strength training.
I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have a strong desire to get a six-pack in the first place, or if it’s because the hurdles are too high, or both, but at this point, getting a six-pack is a dream come true.
So I’d like to start over and give it another shot.
I know that the road to get there is not easy, but what I need to do to get there is quite simple.
I need to get my body fat down from its current 22% to 12-3%,
andand to increase the size of my rectus abdominis.
These are the only two things you need to do. In other words, I need to diet and train hard every day.
My first goal is to see my abdominal muscles start to show signs of cracking after three months.