







世の中には、運を引き寄せる法則や、運気を呼び込む方法の類いの情報や本などが溢れていますが、そこで言われていることは大体は似たり寄ったりで、”理想の自分をできるだけ具体的にイメージして、強く願うこと”、だとか、”万物全てのことに感謝して生きること”、そして、”自分を信じて自分の本能に従うこと” などと書かれています。







Ask, and it shall be given to you.

Is this ancient saying a truth for all people?

I believe this phrase means that good results can be obtained not only by waiting for something to be given to you, but also by actively working on your own and making efforts.

I myself have obtained and realized many things as a result of my own continuous and steady efforts for my dreams and goals, so I can relate to this saying in many ways.

However, there have been many things that have happened in my life that cannot be explained by hard work alone and can only be described as luck.

To be honest, I doubt that there is anyone who has been as fortunate as I have.

The world is full of information and books on how to attract luck, but most of what they say is similar to the following: “Imagine your ideal self as concretely as possible and wish for it strongly,” or “Be thankful for everything. They say things like, “Be grateful for everything in life,” and “Believe in yourself and follow your instincts.

We cannot choose where, when, or from which parents we are born, and even after birth, we are greatly influenced by the environment in which we are raised and the people around us. But once you become an adult, independent, and able to make your own life choices and decisions, can you attract good fortune by yourself?

In my own experience, I was addicted to self-help and spiritual books when I was in my mid-twenties to early thirties after entering the workforce, and it was then that I started trying the laws of attracting luck, such as the ones I wrote about above.

I should emphasize that this is only a theory of results, but I was surprised to find that almost all of the vision cards I made when I was in my 30s (cards the size of a business card with pictures of what I wanted to achieve pasted on them) had been achieved.

To be more precise, even the items that have not yet been accomplished are likely to be accomplished this year and next. And to achieve them, I needed some luck, which I could not do on my own.

From this, I now conclude that there may be only a limited amount of luck that you can attract in a year or two, but if you keep thinking about it for 10 or 20 years, good luck will come to you from the other side.


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サイト管理人: カネゴン バブルが終わる直前の1991年に、外資系の金融関係の会社に入社しました。そこでビジネスのイロハを学ばせていただき、10年以上のオーストラリアでの勤務時代には英語漬けの毎日でした。その後、縁があり、現在働いている外資系IT企業にお世話になっております。ここでは、1,000名を超える組織と日本だけでなく韓国のチームを率いる経験をさせていただき人材開発やチームエンゲージメントに注力してきました。 (このブログの最初の投稿 2020年3月2日) 人間に生まれて半世紀が過ぎました。後どれくらい自分の人生が残されているか分かりませんが、残りの人生、自分の好きなことや、興味のあることをひたすらやり続けていくことを決意しました。 それを全うすることが出来たら、人生の最後に自分の人生は本当に幸せであったなと振り返ることが出来ると思うのです。 このブログはそうした自分の想いを込めて、”幸せの達人になる” と名付けてみました。 これから毎日、”xxxの達人になる”というカテゴリー別に記事をアップしていきますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Writer; Kanegon Joined the US financial related company in Tokyo back in 1991 as the fresh graduate and learnt the business 101 over there including over 10 years overseas experience in Sydney, Australia. I'm currently working for US IT company in Tokyo and am fortunate to manage over 1,000 employees organization for not only Japan, but also Korea team.